Sunday, 28 August 2011

Discover The World of Gourmet Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica

Blue Mountain coffee has its origins in the forested, slopes of the Blue Mountains. Today these mountains are mostly grasslands but some areas are used for the cultivation of vegetables, spices and the world recognised Blue Mountain coffee.

The first new coffee plants seedlings were imported to Jamaica from Hispaniola in 1728 by prospective Governor, Mister Nicholas Lawes. The mountain slopes were cleared to establish coffee plantations and by the early 19th century, Jamaica was the leading coffee producer in the world.

Today, Jamaican Blue Mountain java is considered to be amidst the best gourmet coffees in the world. Thereby to ensure highest coffee quality, the Jamaica Java Industry Board selected standards for the coffee beans and the processing in order to carry the Blue Mountain Coffee label. Close to 90% of production is exported to Japan.

Although some coffee estates remain, most of the beans are grown on small plots by local farmers. Because the farmers are paid poorly therefore some choose to roast and sell their own coffee. Several of them can be found on the Kingston-Buff Bay road near the little town of Section. The berries are hand picked and roasted. The whole process is time consuming.

The origins of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

The majority of secrets to virtually all of the worlds' great coffees are determined by altitude, volcanic soil and austere care for the beans. The Blue mountains of Jamaica are a majestic range of mountains forming the backbone of Jamaica rising over 7,000 feet above sea. The highly wooded hill slopes in north part are looked after largely as forest reserves. This region is the center of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee cultivation. Annual rainfall is a mere 200 inches and average temperature hovers near 5'C, due to a dense cloud cover. These environmental factors slow down the maturation rate of the of the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee fruit to about ten months from bloom to harvest, as compared to five or six elsewhere. This produces a bigger more complex coffee bean, with a concentration of sublime flavor.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee's Volcanic Roots

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica are just like a lot of mountain tops in the Caribbean the above marine peaks of ancient extinct Volcanoes. Through centuries of soil production, the nutrients deposited on the surface of these volcanoes are effectively botanical steroids. Centuries of biomass accumulation formed through the decomposition of various plant species has produced a top soil of excellent quality.

This fact has been true across all the near equatorial Arabica producing countries. The combination of all these factors brought to the development of unique and flavor rich coffee that is famous all over the world. If you are a happy owner of Jamaican BMC you should consider buying a proper coffee machine for the job. You can choose from many different Bunn coffee makers or you can go with one of many Keurig coffee makers. The new Keurig b155 should do the job well.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee's Quality is No Accident

The final portion of the great coffee is a combination of high processing quality and botanical husbandry of the coffee beans from pulping to roast to a cup of gourmet coffee that you can drink. Some 60 years ago the government of Jamaica passed the first of many laws establishing the boundaries of exceptional quality. It was decided that only coffees that are grown in a specific Blue Mountain region can be called Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee. The regulations inform processors of acceptable levels of moisture content, bean size and other quality indicators. Each and every shipment of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is cupped and evaluated by prospective coffee industry board through rigid cupping and only if the coffee matches the rigid standards is the shipment allowed to be exported from Jamaica.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is world recognized for delivering a very well-balanced cup, with medium acidity, excellent body and a smooth chocolate finish. Well-balanced, full-bodied with subtle acidity is popular description that each coffee aspires to reach.

However, if you are a coffee lover you will certainly want to taste Jamaican BMC and if you do, you will not regret it. I promise youu that.

Our tip: Remember to use the best coffee maker for the job. You dont want to ruin the taste with an average coffee maker. If you already have the best coffee maker you just need to know how to make coffee.

What does CoffeeInspector think about blue mountain coffee and get the latest news on countless coffee makers all over the World.

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