Sunday 28 August 2011

Paleo Cookie Recipe – How to Bake Some Extremely Yummy Paleo Diet Cookies

Oh man, I just had some paleo diet cookies and they were reeeeeally delicious! I'm very pleased that the whole batch turned out alright, so you know what I'm going to do now?

Well, I'm going to share this extremely yummy paleo cookie recipe with you. I want you to try out this paleo cookie recipe and then go right ahead and spread the joy…

Yes spread the joy my friend! Meaning you should share the cookies with your loved ones, family, friends, your pet tortoise or hamster, whatever…It's all one love from here on out!

You know, my fiancé used to chide me for going on the paleo diet. She said "the caveman diet" was boring because you can't consume pasta (her fave food), preservatives, rice and other staple foods of most people on this planet.

So when I said to her I wanted to try this paleo cookie recipe, she just scoffed and said it's going to taste "really bland" like most paleo diet meals.

Now, what she didn't know is that I had downloaded a collection of Paleolithic diet cookbooks. I've tried some of the recipes in those cookbooks and they tasted fine. That gave me the confidence to give this paleo cookie recipe a test drive!

You can check out the cookbooks by visiting the link at the bottom of this recipe.

Alright, I apologize for blabbing too much. Here's the paleo cookie recipe. Try it!

You'll need - - > 2 tbs arrowroot powder, 1 cup coconut flakes, ½ cup of maple syrup, ½ tsp organic kelp salt alternative (or just use the regular one if you like), ¼ cup of sesame seeds, ¼ cup of sunflower seeds, ½ cup of finely chopped pecan, 1 tsp of vanilla essence, 4 egg whites


(1) Beat the egg whites until stiff peak have formed.

(2) Dry fry coconut flakes, pecan and seeds until they become slightly brown.

(3) Drop arrowroot powder, salt and egg whites in a bowl and combine well.

(4) Fold in coconut, pecan, seeds and maple syrup until combined well.

(5) Lay a parchment paper onto your cookie sheet or jelly roll pan. Next, scoop the mixture with a tablespoon and place on the paper.

(6) Finally, bake the mix at 150 degrees C for approximately 25 minutes or so. Once the cookies are fully browned wait for them to cool and then…

Eat, eat, eat and don't forget to spread the joy! Also don't forget to pat yourself on the back for giving this paleo cookie recipe a shot. Good luck!

Need more paleo diet recipes?

Once again, you can check out the aforementioned paleo cookbooks where you'll get access to over 200 perhaps 300 recipes tasty recipes.

I don't recall the exact number because I've only tried a handful and so far, so good. There are recipes for paleo style nut balls, raisin cookies, nut delights, salads, seafood, noodles, soups and whatever…I'm too tired to list them all - sorry!

Check it out at - - > Okay, enjoy this paleo cookie recipe and good luck!

For more information click here

Paleo Diet Shopping List – Special List and Recipe for Fun-Loving Paleo Diet Followers

If you're looking for a Paleo diet shopping list as well as drool-inducing Paleo recipes, I have them prepared here for the benefit of all fun-loving followers of this healthy dietary regimen.

Oh, one more thing! Since I don't have enough space here, I can only provide a single recipe…

Don't worry, this recipe is really yummy and if you require more, I will be happy to show you where to download some cookbooks that contain more than 300 mouth-watering, step-by-step Paleo meal recipes complete with photos and all.

Okay with that out of the way, let's check out the following Paleo diet shopping list:

Meats and Seafood:

You may shop for chicken, cow, lamb, buffalo, duck, veal, venison, rabbit, pork, quail, turkey and ostrich.
Refrain from buying bacon and ham if you wish to be fully strict on this diet.

As for seafood, you may opt for clams, crab, lobster, mussels, mackerels, prawns, scallops, salmon, sardines, tuna and also whitefish

Fruits and Veggies:

Popular fruits and veggies such as bean sprouts, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, celery, bok choy, apple, grapes, pineapple, orange and water melon are alright for Paleolithic diet practitioners.

On the other hand, green beans, raisins, sweet potato, pickles, beetroot and chestnuts are not 100% Paleo-friendly

Nuts and oils:

Go for almonds, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, macadamia nuts/oil, pumpkin seeds/oil, hazelnuts and also walnuts/walnut oil.

Cashews and grass fed butter are not totally Paleo-friendly.

Alright, enough on Paleo diet shopping list, let's check out one of my favorite Caveman recipes which is so easy to make and tasty too!

It's called…Paleo Pesto Gravy!

Ingredients - - - > 2 cups of fresh basil leaves ( wash and FULLY dry them!), 3 pinches of dried garlic, some almonds and ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil.

Directions - - - -> Place all ingredients in a blender and blend them high speed. Now pour this tasty sauce over any of the foods presented in the Paleo diet shopping list above!

As for the Paleo cookbooks which I mentioned earlier, you can download directly to your computer, just follow this link:

For more information click here

Losing Weight on the Paleo Diet

This article details how easy weight loss was when I discovered the Paleo Diet. No hunger, a great sense of well being, and I'm heading towards my target weight with no trouble at all. I'm even having a 'Cheat Day' each week.

A few months ago, I took up running. Started on a Couch 2 5K plan and after 9 weeks was easily running for 30 minutes. I can now run 15 km with relative easy. I found however, and this is not really a surprise, that my few kilos of excess weight was not really disappearing. The fitness industry rants on about how long aerobic sessions are the way to lose weight. It helps but resistance training and modifications to ones eating habits really do the trick.

I did some research on the web and came across Loren Cordain's book, The Paleo Diet. Ordered a copy, liked what I read and duly started to follow the pattern.

I've always been interested in health, fitness and why modern humans succumb to so much illness, disease, obesity, allergies etc. It turns out that we are Stone-Age people living in a modern world of processed food, laziness, poor work environments etc. The human genome has only changed 0.02% in the last 40 thousand years. Those people, of which we are the offspring ate a diet consisting mainly of meat, vegetables, nuts and fruit. They may have eaten some grass seeds (of which wheat is a modern version), but only in very small quantities. Modern use of grains didn't start until 10 thousand years ago with the first farms in the Middle East.

So, modern humans are eating foods that the human body has not evolved to eat. We're poisoning ourselves and shortening our lives. Appreciated, ancient people probably had shorter lifespans, but they were lean and athletic, able to chase animals for long distances. We as modern humans should embrace the diet of old and take advantage of the modern developments in medicine to allow ourselves to live long healthy lives. It's amazing how many people get into their late 60's and for them life is nearly over. Their muscles waste, the stoop, their demeanor is that of a beaten person heading towards death. This is not the way it should be.

The Paleo diet revolves around eating lean meat, fruit and vegetables (not root or starchy veggies) with each meal. Eggs are allowed as are nuts and small amounts of dried fruit. Grains, pulse and dairy are all out. You can have a cheat meal or two per week, but if you have a lot of weight to lose, I'd restrict that to just one. Drink plenty of water. I'd advise using a program like Fitday (free) to monitor all you eat for a couple of weeks to make sure you are getting the calories and nutrients you need. After that just go with the flow.

I eat a lot of stir frys and love them, curries can be made easily. There is wealth of recipes available online, and the book also has plenty.

I will write another article soon going more into depth about how I eat, but I have lost 7 kg with ease over the last 3 months, I was only 7 my desired weight so it was easy. If you're a lot bigger, the weight will shift with ease.

Take a look at the book, consult your doctor if you think you need to, and enjoy easy weight loss with out the hunger.

Steve has been writing articles for nearly 4 years and is passionate about health, fitness and travel.Come visit his latest website over at http// which helps people find the best 24 Bathroom Vanity and information when remodelling a bathroom

For more information click here

Paleo Diet Meal Plan – Here's a Paleo Meal Plan That Will Satisfy Even the Fussiest Wooly Mammoths

Repeat after me: "I'm capable of dishing out a sinfully delicious Paleo diet meal plan that will rock the appetite of even the fussiest Wooly mammoths."

That's right! We Paleo diet followers can cook up a storm in the kitchen. You see, I dislike hearing ignorant comments made by people who do not follow this diet. They say we only eat awfully bland Paleo dishes…They are so wrong!

Now, Wooly mammoths from the Paleolithic era have long gone from this world, but we caveman of the 21st century are here and ready to prepare high quality Paleo recipes, right?

So without further ado, here's a very satisfying 2-course Paleo diet meal plan (more Paleolithic recipe resources are included at the end of this piece). If those mighty Wooly mammoths are alive, surely they will lap up these dishes and may even ask for a second serving!

Meal 1 (Appetizer):

Beef and Carrot Curry Soup

½ Cup of coconut milk
1 Large onion
1 stalk of celery
½ Tablespoon of red curry paste
1 Table spoon of olive oil
½ Cups of walnuts
1 ¼ Cups of carrots (diced)
2 Cups of water
A drizzle of honey
A couple of pinches of white pepper

Directions: First you sauté the celery and onion. Next, put in the walnuts and carrots and sauté once again for about 5 minutes. Pour 2 cups of water, close the lid and simmer for about 10 - 15 minutes. Now place them in a blender, pour the coconut milk and blend away until the ingredients become soupy.

Add pepper as well as the curry paste and blend again. Finally, drizzle the soup with some honey and enjoy.

Now let's complete this 2-course Paleo diet meal plan with one of my favorite dishes…

Meal 2 (Main Course):

Scrumptious Paleo Shoulder Pork Roast

A large piece of lean pork shoulder
½ Cup of fresh cilantro (finely chopped)
½ Cup of fresh sage (finely chopped)
½ Cup of fresh parsley (finely chopped)
5 - 7 cloves of finely chopped garlic (I love garlic!)
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
2 teaspoons dried oregano
¼ Cup of olive oil

Directions: Place all ingredients (except for the pork shoulder, of course) in a bowl and stir them around for a good couple of minutes. Make sure they are nicely mixed together.

Now, put the lean pork shoulder on the oven and rub the blended ingredients all over it. Massage the meat with those ingredients (man I'm drooling already). Finally roast the shoulder for approximately 40 minutes. I usually cook a pound of shoulder and it takes around 35 - 40 minutes to roast.

Take out from oven and enjoy! They say Paleolithic diet foods are boring? NOOO! The above 2-course Paleo diet meal plan is the real deal my friends.

As promised, here are some more Paleolithic recipe resources for your cooking pleasure. Download cookbooks with over 300 recipes so you can make a huge variety of Paleo diet meal plans. Follow this link to download:

For more information click here

Paleo Diet Snacks – Presenting the Quickest Way to Get Heaps of Incredible Paleo Snack Recipes

I used to feel sick of dieting the Paleo way simply because there was a lack of simple and tasty recipes on Paleo diet snacks. Naturally, I turned to the internet for help but alas, surfing for hours online in search of quality Paleolithic diet recipes proved to be futile.

See, I discovered quite a large number of recipes that were supposed to be "Paleo-friendly" from an all-in-one-place recipe website but the problem was…

Those recipes did not adhere to guidelines set by the Paleolithic diet rules!

Now, I understand that some people do not follow the rules vigorously, thus may wish to add one or two non-Paleo food ingredients to enhance the flavor of a particular recipe - but still…

Great tasting Paleo diet snacks recipes were very difficult to find!

Okay to cut a long story short, I finally uncovered a really quick way to obtain heaps of not only snacks, but also Paleo appetizer, main course, dessert and even special sandwich and noodle recipes that can all be prepared without breaking the Paleo guidelines.

Here's how you do it…

What you should do is access a registration-free Paleo diet foods discussion site. The members in discussion/chat sites are very generous and they're always willing to share helpful information including recipes and resources for the benefit of all Paleo diet practitioners

In fact, one of the site members (Special thanks to user name:paleocaveguy82) was so kind enough to point me to a site where I was able to download digital cookbooks containing more than 300 Paleo recipes. Incredible stuff!

Now, I have all sorts of ideas on how to conceive Paleo diet snack recipes that are not only easy to do, but taste wonderful as well.

Anyway, you can also download an entire set of Paleo cookbooks that are chock full of tasty recipes, all in-one-place. Very handy reference so download by following this link:

For more information click here

Paleo Diet For Athletes - Caution: You Will Cheat On This Diet, Let's Solve The Problem Now!

Paleo diet for athletes is a handy reference book that should appeal to mostly endurance athletes. See, I'm a recreational bodybuilder and while the book provides a decent general outline of the Paleolithic diet, the program including the nutritional blueprint is actually geared at athletes in endurance sports.

That being said, the Paleo diet for athletes book was still an interesting read, and I highly recommend it to those who have already picked up Loren Cordain's maiden Paleo book called: "The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat."

Whew! What a mouthful!

Okay now, I'm not here to write some kind of highly in-depth Paleo diet for athletes review. You can find numerous reviews of this book on hundreds and thousands of sites.

Instead, my concern is this:

Paleo diet offers many positive benefits, but this diet's cheating rate is extremely high, especially in the first few weeks. And, cheating all too often will result in complete abandonment of this healthy diet.

Let's face it …Paleo meals are boring!

A quick glance at the Paleo diet food list is enough to let you know how bland this dietary regimen can be…

So how do you solve this problem?

The solution is simple. You need to amass TONS of DELICIOUS and SIMPLE to prepare Paleo recipes to ensure your daily meals are always interesting, and can also be dished out in minimum time.

Oh yes! I'm aware that many recipes are included in the Paleo diet for athletes book, but most of them are pretty bland and too elaborate too make.

Alright look, I wanted to give up this diet at first, but I was lucky to stumble onto this website where hundreds of easy and tasty Paleo recipes were offered in an immediately downloadable format.

Now, I can fully commit to this diet because the recipes I obtained from that site are way better than the ones presented in the Paleo diet for athletes book.

Anyway, you can also download those delicious Paleo recipes as the website is still around (at the time of this writing). The ebook set offers a total of 310 recipes! Just follow this link to download:

For more information click here

Paleo Diet Menu – How to Locate Lots of Yummy Paleo Diet Menu Recipes and Here’s a Sample Recipe

A lot of people think Paleo diet menu are unpalatable and tasteless. Well, they are simply misinformed….

Truth of the matter is, with the right ingredients, even the most basic Paleo soup and salad dishes can be made into a highly exquisite gastronomic work of arts that seamlessly combine, flavor, balance and practicality.

However, during my initial foray into the world of "caveman" dieting, there was one major stumbling block that almost pushed me to the brink of surrender.

What is it you ask?

Well, it was the inadequate amount of healthy Paleo diet menu recipes that not only taste good, but also remain within the Paleolithic guidelines. Most of recipes I found online are rehashed meals with zero variety. In short, I was bored with those recipes!

So, how exactly do you locate plenty of deliciously healthy Paleolithic diet recipes that ooze variety?

An online bulletin board (OBB) is the answer! OBB is a typical cyberspace hangout of avid caveman diet followers. You'll be able to find lots of recipes that cover every Paleo meals from breakfast through to dinner at most OBBs

In fact, I managed to get hold digital copies of Paleo cookbooks that presented a total of 310 very yummy recipes and it was a Paleo diet OBB member that recommended it to me.

The cookbooks are great as they not only show you how to prepare each meal in a clear and precise manner; they also include clear full color photos as well. This is important as I hate reading recipe books that are too dense in text.

Anyway, here's one of my favorite Paleo diet menu recipes. Very simple to make, yet lick-smacking!

The Paleo Style Tortilla Recipe


1 Teaspoon homemade garlic powder
2 ½ Tablespoon water
1/3 cup almond flour
1 large egg
1/4 Teaspoon cumin (grounded)


Blend seasonings together with almond flour.
Add water with egg and beat them together.
Stir everything together to create a thin mixture.
Pour mixture into and place onto oiled oven tray and bake at 300 degrees for about 15 minutes.
Slowly lift it out and roll cautiously.

By the way, if you're interested in obtaining over 300+ Paleo diet menu recipes and meal plans. Follow this link:

For more information click here